Sabres, Furies, and Oceanscapes

 In the last update, I wrote about the "roadmap" I had been working on to guide my development efforts towards Orion Skies, with supporting projects like the Galaxy Generator along the way. I've continued working based on that roadmap, trying to make a little progress each day.

Site Reorganization

 In light of my updated plans, I reorganized this site a little. Here's a quick guide to the new layout:

Screen shot of one of the new storylines in EVO: Expanded.

3D Study

 The current step on Orion Skies roadmap is learning 3D art. I'll use 3D to create a graphics set for the Galaxy Generator, and ships, outfits, etc for Orion Skies. I've been following tutorials:

  1. The famous introductory "donut" tutorial by Blender Guru on YouTube.
  2. A detailed chair-modeling tutorial.
  3. Currently following Blender Guru's landscapes crash-course curriculum.
The roadmap to Orion Skies.

Practice Image Gallery

 To practice the tutorials' skills, I've been creating a jet fighter, the F-86 Sabre (and its naval version, the FJ-2 Fury), and environmental scenes to place it in. The skills involved will directly tie in to creating spacecraft and planetary landscapes in the future.

 I plan to continue this 3D practice work for at least a few more weeks, and I'll try to post 1 image per day on the EV Nova Discord server's #art channel.


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