All About rEV: Expanded
TL;DR: I'm working on a major plug-in for EVC-on-Nova. rEV: Expanded Hi, all. I've done a lot of modding since my last blog post, and wanted to share a bit about what I've been doing. For those who haven't played it, rEV is a fantastic plug-in for EVC-on-Nova . In addition to wonderful updated graphics, it also adds a variety of neat outfits, ship variants, and gameplay features. It is very worth checking out! It was initiated by Kris Quistorff, who created the graphics, and features many innovative gameplay and technical updates from andrews05 . I am currently building a new plug-in that uses rEV as its basis. rEV: Expanded is intended to update many aspects of EVC, expanding on EVC's strengths (hence the name). rEV: Expanded has four main focus areas: Quality of Life Features The Combat Experience Strategic Balance and Depth Story I'll discuss each of those areas below, but first here's a quick video I recen...