Major Design Breakthrough!

TL;DR : Many pieces of the design have fallen into place – in particular, an overall design framework and an outline of Orion Skies's world, both of which leave lots of design room for the details. Life continues to be extra busy lately! You may recall that my wife and I bought a home recently, and getting it all set up is taking a lot of time. Additionally, work has really ramped up, and in the midst of all this we decided to adopt a puppy? (He is adorable but also is a handful!) I haven't had a lot of time to sit down at a computer and work on Orion Skies, so instead my work has been happening mostly during my commutes, during which I often think about Orion Skies and come up with new ideas etc... Massive Breakthrough Building on last month's worldbuilding breakthrough with creating a complete history of OS's setting , as well as game-design breakthroughs based on my work on the Tech Generator, I've finally gotten a "complete" fra...