Tech Generator Progress
TL;DR: The EV Tech Generator is now producing a full range of weapons in the style of EV Override! I need to do final checks to confirm that they're all working correctly, then I'll move on to generating outfits. :) EV Tech Generator A few weeks ago I went down a conceptual rabbit-hole in which I thought about using design concepts from Magic: the Gathering to guide the creation of weapons and outfits in Orion Skies. In this paradigm, each outfit would be roughly analogous being its own Magic card. Magic cards have two properties that I felt were worth exploring further in connection to this idea: There are a lot of unique cards . Although each card is unique, they also follow well-defined rules governing how much each card costs & what it can do. To pursue those properties in an EVx context, I began working on the EV Tech Generator : A procedural generator will be very helpful if I decide to include large quantities of weapons ...