
Showing posts from February, 2021

Anvils, Landscapes, and Modular Construction

3D Study     My biggest project over the past month has been daily study of 3D rendering skills. I'm continuing to make quite a lot of progress, though I still have a ways to go before I'll be ready to start building the graphics for Orion Skies. Ultimately, my goal is to build all of the graphics for Orion Skies, but I'll start by building the planetary graphics.     Currently, my goal is to continue working my way through Blender tutorials, as well as doing some practice on my own, until I am ready to make high-quality landscape images. I've been following a curriculum outlined by "Blender Guru" , a 3D artist who has created a number of high-quality tutorials. Here's where I'm at along this path:      🟢 Donut Tutorial / Intro to Blender      🟢 Chair Tutorial / Modeling      🟢 Lighting      🟢 Principled Shader / Materials      🟡 Anvil Tutorial / Texturing     ...