Roadmaps, Donuts, and Lua Features
When I built the EV Galaxy Generator , initially I just thought of it as a tool for myself, to help me build Orion Skies more efficiently. It was only partway through the process of creating it that I realized that, by adding a few Settings options, I could release it publicly for other people, for whom it could be just as useful in their TC projects. Over the past few weeks, I've been thinking about the path ahead to building Orion Skies, and trying to identify what other tools & sub-plug-ins I can release along the way. This thinking has ultimately led to the creation of a tentative road-map from now to Orion Skies, with a variety of smaller releases along the way. An adaptation of the classic Ambrosia game Ares is on the road to Orion Skies. This thinking will inevitably change over time, in part because I don't yet fully know what will be possible on the Cosmic Frontier engine, and in part because my ideas will shift as I give more thought to all of this. ...